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Majority Element

This tutorial contains a complete walk-through of the Majority Element problem from the Geeks for Geeks website. It features the implementation of the solution code in two programming languages: Python and C++.

Problem Description​

Given an array A of N elements. Find the majority element in the array. A majority element in an array A of size N is an element that appears strictly more than N/2 times in the array.


Example 1:

N = 3
A[] = {1,2,3}
Since, each element in
{1,2,3} appears only once so there
is no majority element.

Example 2:

N = 5
A[] = {3,1,3,3,2}
Since, 3 is present more
than N/2 times, so it is
the majority element.

Your Task​

The task is to complete the function majorityElement() which returns the majority element in the array. If no majority exists, return -1.

Expected Time Complexity: O(n)O(n) Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)O(1)


100 <= N <= 2*10^9

Code Implementation​

Written by @ishiitamukherjee2004
class Solution:

def majority_element(A):
count = 0
candidate = None
for num in A:
if count == 0:
candidate = num
count = 1
elif candidate == num:
count += 1
count -= 1
return candidate

Time Complexity​

The time complexity is O(n)O(n) because the operations involve a fixed number of steps regardless of the size of N:

Space Complexity​

The space complexity is O(1)O(1) as well since the operations use a constant amount of extra space for storing the products and concatenated strings.